Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Favorite Disney Sweet to Make at Home

One of my favorite places to visit in EPCOT is the Germany pavilion.  In this pavilion sits a small little shop called the Karamell-Kuche. The smell as you enter this little shop is caramel, delicious buttery caramel, Werther's Original caramel.  They have more items that are covered in caramel, and sometimes chocolate, than you can imagine.  There are apples, strawberries, pretzels, cookies, cheesecake and fudge.  Oh, a diabetic could go into sugar-shock just looking into the cases!

There is a portion of one wall that offers nearly every type of Werther's candies.

But my favorite item in the Karamell Kuche is their chocolate drizzled caramel corn.  And I make sure that I bring at least one bag home from each trip.  I've often wanted to try my hand at making this tasty snack here at home, but have never been brave enough.  I have a really easy recipe for Microwave Caramel Corn that I have made for years but I've never tried to drizzle it with chocolate. Today I decided to search Pinterest for a recipe.  Now, let me tell you that the only thing I love more than chocolate drizzled popcorn is chocolate and peanut butter combined.  You know - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Reese's Pieces, and chocolate peanut butter milkshakes. There's just soething about the chocolate - peanut butter combination that makes me happy.  So today when I found a recipe for Peanut Butter Caramel Corn that is drizzled with chocolate, I thought I'd found paradise! My recipe is made in the microwave, and the one I found is cooked on the stove. I think I'll try it in the microwave also.  What special treats do you make for Christmas?

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