Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sometimes Revisions Must Be Made

I was so proud of the Busy Buddies that I had made and listed on my Etsy shop.  But after my grandkids played with them, I felt that they just weren't what I wanted. The pencils kept falling out, and my grandson had trouble with the loop and button.  So I searched for other ideas and modified them to fit what I wanted.  Now, the new ones, which I call Crayon Wallets are in the shop.  They are more compact, and there is room for a 6" ruler in addition to the crayons, notepad and pencil that were in the former ones.
I'm more pleased with them, and they are "grand kid approved".

I want to make 4 quilt blocks for the quilt along that I joined, and then I'll get on to my next project.

Monday, March 9, 2015

It's a Newsy Day

Today is a news day.  First of all, I'm doing a happy dance today.  After one month with my Fitbit, I am down 9 pounds.  I wish it were more, but they always say that losing slow is better.  So, I'll take it.

I think you know that I have a fabric addiction.  This past week, I've been working to restock some of the wristlets that have been out of stock on my Etsy site.   Saturday I finished two Dumbo wristlets that have been out of stock since January and re-listed them.  I also finished two Winnie the Pooh wristlets which will be listed as soon as the zipper pull charms that I ordered arrive.  And today, I'm working on Tinkerbell and Alice in Wonderland wristlets.  I've always loved the Cheshire Cat, and will be making one of these for myself.
But last week I also received new fabrics for Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo, Peter Pan and Captain Hook, and the Seven Dwarfs (really cute). Sew much sewing, Sew little time.  Keep watching my Etsy Store for more new items.