Sunday, September 14, 2014

Trip Planning

This year, all of my kids and grand kids are going to Disney in November to celebrate our 40th anniversary.  Since the rest of the family all work and I'm a stay at home Grammy, I like to try to make things easier for everyone.  Although daughter Mary makes the Fast Pass reservations, I do a lot of record keeping.  I keep track of all the dining reservations, where and when each family is eating and the confirmation numbers.  And I make a card for each day of our trip with these reservations and confirmation numbers.  Previous years we have had the Deluxe Dining Plan; but this year, we are going with the Basic Dining Plan (it was offered FREE for our dates).  So to help everyone out, I have worked cards with the counter service options and snack options in each of the four parks. I also add the Fast Pass times and any special events, such as Candlelight Processional or Fireworks.  Once these cards are finished, I print them out of colored card stock, one color for each park.  Then I purchase a cheap  inexpensive photo album for each family to put their cards in.

This is a sample of one of last year's cards for the meals.  

And here's a sample of the counter service cards

These cards give everyone an idea of what is available in each of the parks for a counter service or snack credit.  Someone in each of the families carries a baggallini bag, so the small photo album with all the information fits quite nicely in one of the pockets.  Although our trip is about 2 months away, I haven't made touring cards yet, as we are still adjusting dining reservations.  But it won't be long now.

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